When nothing is as it should be,
who do you cry out to when you’re alone?
((film concept poster mockup already created))
Production Title: “Alone“
Status: In development (need to cast the MC/Protagonist), testing out some vfx and gathering props.
Jordan, 18-20s. High school or college student. Attractive, slim/athletic build. We feel for her vulnerability when she is home alone and senses an evil presence is in her house.
SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: This is a supernatural thriller short film about a young woman who discovers her world is not as it seems, as she realizes there may be an unnatural evil in her house.
Union / Non-Union Status: Non-Union
Production Type: Short Film
Budget: $2000
Target Audience and Rating: Supernatural horror fans, R rating.
Project Length: ~6 pages of screenplay, one indoor location (house), one on-screen actor (“Jordan”).
Project Format: Digital DSLR 4k @24fps shoot, edit & render to 2k/4k @24fps
Production Location: Filmmaker’s house in Duluth MN
Studio / Producer / Production Companies: Randall Oelerich / BorealPictures.com (aka Randall Oelerich Films)
Company website: www.borealPictures.com
Director-Cinematographer-Producer: Randall Oelerich (‘Producer/Filmmaker’)
Soundtrack Composer: Randall Oelerich (I plan to compose the soundtrack for this horror short film– examples of my film music composing can be found at randalloelerich.com). Here are a few preliminary compositions I have composed as musical soundtrack sketches for the film (music will undoubtedly change for the actual film):